Highrise Staff will manually review all submissions to ensure eligibility, checking for quality, technical feasibility, content, and originality.
While we don't expect significant turnaround between the time you submit and the time an Idea is approved or denied, the review timeline is not on a firm cadence, and may take up to a few weeks. You can check the status of your Idea my navigating to the My Ideas menu.
If your idea is approved, congratulations! You’ll receive a notification that your item has moved on to the next stage, and is available for public funding.
After an Idea has been approved, you cannot make any changes to the item, and you may not delete the Idea. We cannot make any changes for you, but please let us know if you need help deleting a submission by contacting Support.
If your Idea is rejected, you’ll receive a notification along with a link to our Guidelines to provide some insight on the possible reasons why your Idea was rejected.
Support staff does not have information on this process, so please read the Guidelines, make the necessary changes, and resubmit your Idea!
Updated about 1 year ago