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  • Designer Compensation

    All Concept-winning designers are compensated for their designs by a rarity-based tier system.

    ⚠️ Starting with the Highrise Fashion Week Concept, we'll use the following flate rates for designer items! Please stay tuned for updates as we workshop our rates and prizes! ⚠️

    🔹 Rare: 50,000 Earned Gold

    🔮 Epic: 70,000 Earned Gold

    ⭐ Legendary: 100,000 Earned Gold

    🌈 Mythical: 150,000 Earned Gold

    Earned Gold can be redeemed for cash! Find the Creator Exchange here to set up an account with Tipalti and cash out your Earned Gold.

    Bonus Items

    Designers receive one Account-Bound copy of their item as a keepsake. As this copy is untradable, you'll always have access to it as long as you're on Highrise!

    Alongside your Account-Bound copy, you'll also receive a variable amount of tradable bonus items based on a tiered scaling system. The tiers are determined by the item's Rarity as follows:

    Rares: 6 tradable copies

    Epics: 4 tradable copies

    Legendaries: 2 tradable copies

    Mythicals: 2 tradable copies

    These variable bonus items reflect our efforts to be cognizant of the impact that high item emission rates may have on our in-game economy.

    ⚠️ Below is the compesnation system trialled in 2024's Quarters 3 & 4. Please read for reference only: starting with the Highrise Fashion Week Concept, this system is deprecated and will not be used in future releases. ⚠️

    Standard Item Compensation

    👉 If your item is released in Daily Rewards, the Holiday Shop, a Bubbles grab, or as a free gift, you'll get paid on a tiered scale. The more items you release during the quarter, the more you'll start earning per item.

    Tier 1

    10,000 Earned Gold for your first item

    Tier 2

    15,000 Earned Gold per Item for your second through fifth items

    Tier 3

    25,000 Earned Gold per Item for your sixth through twentieth items

    Tier 4

    50,000 Earned Gold per Item for your twenty-first through fiftieth items

    Tier 5

    100,000 Earned Gold per Item for items released past 50+ count

    📅 Item counts are reset each quarter! Your count is determined by the date that your item is released in game, not the date that you win a given Concept.

    Recolors by the Highrise team are considered new items, and they will factor into your compensation in both Standard and Performance Payouts.


    Standard items are usually released in Daily Rewards, the Holiday Shop, Bubbles collections, and special currency collections.

    If you have six items that release over the course of the quarter, you’ll make…

    🟢 10,000 Earned Gold for the first item

    🔵 15,000 Earned Gold for the second, third, fourth, and fifth items

    🟣 25,000 Earned Gold for the sixth item.

    In total, you’ll have earned 95,000 Earned Gold for your creations. This is 35,000 more than you would have made using our previous payout model!

    Performance Item Compensation

    For items released in Grabs, Event Rewards, or item-only Sales, you'll earn a percentage of the total revenue generated in that release.


    All revenue is calculated by total gold spent after the grab ends. Grabs typically run for about a month.


    Event revenue is calculated by adding together the total gold spent on event-related consumables. This includes purchases of Energy, Guaranteed Success Multipliers, and Rocket Fuel.


    If your design appears in an item-only sale for cash, you'll receive a percentage of the net revenue from that sale. Should your item be featured in a sale that includes additonal gold, collectibles, consumables, or bonus spin tokens, we consider your item a Standard Release that will count toward your tiered base compensation.

    💸 Payouts Per Item

    Performance Items Compensation is determined on a per-item basis.
    Typically, you'll receive 3.5% of net revenue per item.

    If your item outperforms our baseline and lands above the 80th percentile , you'll earn 15% of net revenue per item.

    🔄 To account for the Earned Gold to Cash conversion tax, all Performance Item payouts include an additional stipend to cover the withdrawal fee.

    This means that whenever you do cash out your Earned Gold, you'll receive the full 3.5% (or 15%) in cash in your bank account.

    Baseline Percentage Payout Per Performance Item 3.5% of revenue (8.75% of gold) for items below the 80th percentile

    Bonus Percentage Payout Per Exceptional Performance Item 15% of revenue (37.5% of gold) for items performing above the 80th percentile

    📅 As event & grab item payouts depend on total revenue, your compensation will be sent to you after the release is officially over. This can be anywhere from a week to a month past its launch date.



    Let's say you win an outfit Concept, and that your winning design includes 8 items total. Highrise staff decides to release 4 of your items in a grab, and 4 of your items as event Participation and Crew Rewards.

    🍄 For your grab items...

    Including your 4, there are 15 items total in the event grab. Over the course of the month, players spin the grab 100,000 times (20,000,000 Gold total from spins).

    If we convert that Gold into US dollars, that means that the grab made $46,666 USD.

    Next, we divide the total net revenue of that grab by the number of items it features: in this case, we divide 46,666 by 15 = $3,111. This figure tells us the revenue-per-item.

    As this is below the 80th percentile, you would receive 3.5% of the $3,111 ($109 USD) in the form of Earned Gold. To convert from USD to Earned Gold, we'll multiply your cash payout by 750. (109 X 750 = 81,750)

    The reason we use 750 is because when you cash out, 750 Earned Gold = $1. This rate is to ensure that when you redeem your Earned Gold, you keep the full 3.5%.

    💸💸💸 Your final payout is 81,750 per grab item, or a total of 327,000 Earned Gold for all four of your grab items.

    For your Event Reward items...

    We'll combine the total net revenue from event-related sales and the event-boosts shop, where we usually offer Batteries, Magic Glasses, Rocket Fuel, etc.

    In this event, there are 30 total Participation, Crew, and Individual ranked rewards, including your 4 items.

    Let's say the event shop and sale items combine for a total of $45,000 USD. We'll divide this number by the number of event rewards to get our revenue-per-item figure; in this case, 45,000 divided by 30 = $1,500 USD per item.

    Again, we'll multiply this number by 3.5% to determine your cash payout, then convert this number into Earned Gold:

    1,500 USD X .035 = $55.5 USD revenue-per-item 55.5 USD X 750 = 39,375 Earned Gold per item

    💸💸💸 Your final payout is 39,375 per event reward item, or a total of 157,500 Earned Gold for all four of your event reward items.


    For the most part, sales are pretty simple! For this example, let's pretend that you and a collaboration partner team up to create one incredible Legendary item which resonates exceptionally well within the community. This item nets $30,000 USD.

    There is only 1 item in this sale, so we'll calcuate your payout based on the total net revenue sum. And, as this sale is above the 80th percentile, your payout is cacluated based at 15%.

    30,000 X .15 = $4,500 USD

    Now, since you're part of a collaboration, we'll split this number in half: each partner will receive the Earned Gold equivalent of $2,250. We'll multiply $2,250 by 750 to get the correct Earned Gold Payout.

    2250 X 750 = 1,687,500 Earned Gold

    💸💸💸 The final payout for each collaboration partner is 1,687,500 Earned Gold for their sale item.

    In cases where your item is released as both a Standard item and as a Performance Item, we'll compensate you according the larger of the two payout sums.

    Updated about 1 month ago

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