When you see an Idea that you’d love to support, click on the PRE-ORDER button to begin the preordering flow.
Next, you’ll be shown a page displaying the item’s creation and pricing timeline.
Choose how many items you want to preorder. You can order up to 10 items at a time; however TOTAL preorder purchases are unlimited.
To buy more than 10 items, you’ll have to submit your first order of 10, and then restart the preordering process to buy another batch.
Finally, after you select the item quantity, you’ll see one final confirmation popup.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ ### ALL PREORDERS ARE FINAL. Once you back an Idea, there is NO WAY to rescind your support.
If an Idea fails to fund, or if the item is removed by Staff, your pledged Gold will be refunded. Otherwise, all preorders are permanent commitments.
You CAN preorder your own items! Sometimes, you just have to believe in yourself. 💃
Check on the progress of Ideas you’ve supported by tabbing over the My Pre-Orders menu on the top navigation bar.
Updated about 1 year ago