Trigger Events
Triggers are essential components in game development that enable interactions between GameObjects in your Highrise world. In this guide, you will learn how to utilize triggers effectively to create dynamic and interactive experiences.
What is a Trigger?
A Trigger is a collider added to your GameObject with the "Trigger" option enabled. Unlike regular colliders, triggers do not physically interact with other colliders; instead, they detect when other colliders enter, stay within, or exit their boundaries.
For a trigger to work, at least one of the GameObjects interacting with it must have a Rigidbody component attached.
Trigger Events:
Triggers fire three main events when interactions occur:
- OnTriggerEnter: Triggered when a collider enters the trigger.
- OnTriggerStay: Triggered while a collider stays within the trigger.
- OnTriggerExit: Triggered when a collider exits the trigger.
The trigger or the collider interacting with it must have a Rigidbody component attached. However, the Rigidbody can be set to kinematic to disable physics simulation.
Object Entering and Exiting a Trigger:
function self:OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider)
local enteringGameObject = other.gameObject
print( .. " has entered the trigger")
function self:OnTriggerExit(other : Collider)
local exitingGameObject = other.gameObject
print( .. " has left the trigger")
Local Player Entering and Exiting a Trigger:
If the player isn't detecting the trigger, make sure the GameObject layer is set to "CharacterTrigger" for the player to interact with it.
-- Connect to the OnTriggerEnter event
function self:OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider)
-- Get the Character component of the entering GameObject
local playerCharacter = other.gameObject:GetComponent(Character)
-- Exit the function if the GameObject doesn't have a Character component
if playerCharacter == nil then return end
-- Get the player from the Character component
local player = playerCharacter.player
-- Check if the entering player is the local player
if client.localPlayer == player then
print( .. " Entered the Trigger") -- Print the player's name
-- Connect to the OnTriggerExit event
function self:OnTriggerExit(other : Collider)
-- Get the Character component of the exiting GameObject
local playerCharacter = other.gameObject:GetComponent(Character)
-- Exit the function if the GameObject doesn't have a Character component
if playerCharacter == nil then return end
-- Get the player from the Character component
local player = playerCharacter.player
-- Check if the exiting player is the local player
if client.localPlayer == player then
print( .. " Exited the Trigger") -- Print the player's name
Triggers are powerful tools that enable you to create interactive and dynamic gameplay experiences in your Highrise world. By utilizing trigger events effectively, you can create engaging interactions between GameObjects and enhance the overall player experience.
Updated 8 months ago