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    Building a Tipping Bot

    Tipping Bot

    This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to create a Highrise Tipping bot that allows room administrators to monitor, acknowledge, and provide insights into tipping activities within a Highrise room. This bot responds to tipping events, logs user tipping data, and offers commands to query and display this data. Special shoutout to our Highrise Builder @AprilCat for creating this bot!


    1. Python 3.11 or higher installed.
    2. Highrise Python SDK installed
    3. Make sure that an empty tip-data.json file exists in the same directory as your bot file. This file will be used to store tipping data in JSON format.

    Step 1: Import Libraries and Constants

    Before diving into the code, ensure you have the necessary libraries and constants ready.

    from typing import Optional, Dict, Union
    from json import load, dump
    from highrise import BaseBot, User, CurrencyItem, Item, SessionMetadata

    We also set a constant FILE_PATH that points to the path of the JSON data file.

    FILE_PATH = "./tip-data.json"

    Step 2: Define the TippingBot Class

    Next, we'll define the main TippingBot class. During initialization, the bot loads existing tipping data and sets up some default properties. We’ve also defined the on_start handler to initialize some default ids.

    class TippingBot(BaseBot):
        def __init__(self):
            self.bot_id = None
            self.owner_id = None
            self.tip_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = {}
    		async def on_start(self, session_metadata: SessionMetadata) -> None:
    	    print("Bot Connected")
    	    self.bot_id = session_metadata.user_id
    	    self.owner_id = session_metadata.room_info.owner_id

    Step 3: Handle Different Message Types

    The bot is designed to handle three types of messages: chat, whisper, and direct messages.

    async def on_chat(self, user: User, message: str) -> None:
    		await self.process_message(self.highrise.chat, message, user, "Chat Error")
    async def on_whisper(self, user: User, message: str) -> None:
        await self.process_message(
            self.highrise.send_whisper, message, user, "Whisper Error", user.id
    async def on_message(
        self, user_id: str, conversation_id: str, is_new_conversation: bool
    ) -> None:
        conversation = await self.highrise.get_messages(conversation_id)
        message = conversation.messages[0].content
        await self.process_message(
            self.highrise.send_message, message, user_id=user_id, error_message="Message Error", conversation_id=conversation_id

    Step 4: Process Messages

    All message types are processed by a common method which triggers a command handler.

    async def process_message(self, method, message: str, user=None, error_message: str = "", *args):
        response = await self.command_handler(user.id if user else None, message)
        if response:
                await method(response, *args)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"{error_message}: {e}")

    Step 5: Handle Tips

    The bot listens for tips, logs/saves relevant data, and acknowledges generous contributions.

    async def on_tip(self, sender: User, receiver: User, tip: Union[CurrencyItem, Item]) -> None:
        if receiver.id != self.bot_id:
        if isinstance(tip, CurrencyItem):
            print(f"{sender.username} tipped {tip.amount}g -> {receiver.username}")
            self.update_tip_data(sender, tip.amount)
            if tip.amount >= 500:
                await self.highrise.chat(f"Thank you {sender.username} for the generous {tip.amount}g tip!")
    def update_tip_data(self, user: User, tip: int) -> None:
        user_data = self.tip_data.get(user.id, {"total_tips": 0, "username": user.username})
        user_data["total_tips"] += tip
        user_data["username"] = user.username
        self.tip_data[user.id] = user_data

    Step 6: Command Handler

    The command handler processes owner commands, such as viewing top tippers or querying a specific user's tip amount.

    async def command_handler(self, user_id: Optional[str], message: str) -> Optional[str]:
        if user_id != self.owner_id:
            return None
        command = message.lower().strip()
        if command == "!top":
            return self.build_top_tippers_message()
        elif command.startswith("!get "):
            username = command.split(" ", 1)[1].replace("@", "")
            return self.get_user_tip_message(username)

    Step 7: Utility Functions

    Various utility functions help build messages, retrieve tip amounts, and manage the tipping data.

    def build_top_tippers_message(self) -> str:
        top_tippers = self.get_top_tippers()
        formatted_tippers = [f"{i + 1}. {user_data['username']} ({user_data['total_tips']}g)" for i, user_data in enumerate(top_tippers)]
        separator = "\n"
        return f"Top Tippers:\n{separator.join(formatted_tippers)}"
    def get_user_tip_message(self, username: str) -> str:
        tip_amount = self.get_user_tip_amount(username)
        if tip_amount is not None:
            return f"{username} has tipped {tip_amount}g"
            return f"{username} hasn't tipped."
    def get_top_tippers(self) -> list:
        return sorted(self.tip_data.values(), key=lambda x: x["total_tips"], reverse=True)[:10]
    def get_user_tip_amount(self, username: str) -> Optional[int]:
        for user_data in self.tip_data.values():
            if user_data["username"].lower() == username.lower():
                return user_data["total_tips"]

    Step 8: Data Management

    The bot reads and writes tipping data to a local JSON file for persistence.

    def load_tip_data(self) -> None:
            with open(FILE_PATH, "r") as file:
                self.tip_data = load(file)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            self.tip_data = {}
    def save_tip_data(self) -> None:
        with open(FILE_PATH, "w") as file:
            dump(self.tip_data, file)

    Congratulations! You've now created a Tipping Bot for Highrise. This bot acknowledges generous tippers and provides a way for the room owner to view the top tippers or query the tipping history of specific users.

    Here is the full code:

    from typing import Optional, Dict, Union
    from json import load, dump
    from highrise import BaseBot, User, CurrencyItem, Item, SessionMetadata
    FILE_PATH = "./tip-data.json"
    class TippingBot(BaseBot):
        def __init__(self):
            self.bot_id = None
            self.owner_id = None
            self.tip_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = {}
        async def on_start(self, session_metadata: SessionMetadata) -> None:
            print("Bot Connected")
            self.bot_id = session_metadata.user_id
            self.owner_id = session_metadata.room_info.owner_id
        async def on_chat(self, user: User, message: str) -> None:
                await self.process_message(self.highrise.chat, message, user, "Chat Error")
        async def on_whisper(self, user: User, message: str) -> None:
            await self.process_message(
                self.highrise.send_whisper, message, user, "Whisper Error", user.id
        async def on_message(
            self, user_id: str, conversation_id: str, is_new_conversation: bool
        ) -> None:
            conversation = await self.highrise.get_messages(conversation_id)
            message = conversation.messages[0].content
            await self.process_message(
                self.highrise.send_message, message, user_id=user_id, error_message="Message Error", conversation_id=conversation_id
        async def process_message(self, method, message: str, user=None, error_message: str = "", *args):
            response = await self.command_handler(user.id if user else None, message)
            if response:
                    await method(response, *args)
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f"{error_message}: {e}")
        async def on_tip(self, sender: User, receiver: User, tip: Union[CurrencyItem, Item]) -> None:
            if receiver.id != self.bot_id:
            if isinstance(tip, CurrencyItem):
                print(f"{sender.username} tipped {tip.amount}g -> {receiver.username}")
                self.update_tip_data(sender, tip.amount)
                if tip.amount >= 500:
                    await self.highrise.chat(f"Thank you {sender.username} for the generous {tip.amount}g tip!")
        def update_tip_data(self, user: User, tip: int) -> None:
            user_data = self.tip_data.get(user.id, {"total_tips": 0, "username": user.username})
            user_data["total_tips"] += tip
            user_data["username"] = user.username
            self.tip_data[user.id] = user_data
        async def command_handler(self, user_id: Optional[str], message: str) -> Optional[str]:
            if user_id != self.owner_id:
                return None
            command = message.lower().strip()
            if command == "!top":
                return self.build_top_tippers_message()
            elif command.startswith("!get "):
                username = command.split(" ", 1)[1].replace("@", "")
                return self.get_user_tip_message(username)
        def build_top_tippers_message(self) -> str:
            top_tippers = self.get_top_tippers()
            formatted_tippers = [f"{i + 1}. {user_data['username']} ({user_data['total_tips']}g)" for i, user_data in enumerate(top_tippers)]
            separator = "\n"
            return f"Top Tippers:\n{separator.join(formatted_tippers)}"
        def get_user_tip_message(self, username: str) -> str:
            tip_amount = self.get_user_tip_amount(username)
            if tip_amount is not None:
                return f"{username} has tipped {tip_amount}g"
                return f"{username} hasn't tipped."
        def get_top_tippers(self) -> list:
            return sorted(self.tip_data.values(), key=lambda x: x["total_tips"], reverse=True)[:10]
        def get_user_tip_amount(self, username: str) -> Optional[int]:
            for user_data in self.tip_data.values():
                if user_data["username"].lower() == username.lower():
                    return user_data["total_tips"]
        def load_tip_data(self) -> None:
                with open(FILE_PATH, "r") as file:
                    self.tip_data = load(file)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                self.tip_data = {}
        def save_tip_data(self) -> None:
            with open(FILE_PATH, "w") as file:
                dump(self.tip_data, file)

    Updated 6 months ago

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