Owned Rooms
The Owned Rooms metric helps you understand how many rooms players own in your game.
Viewing Owned Rooms Metrics
To view the Owned Rooms metrics for your game, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Creation Tab in the Creator Portal.
- Open the world you want to view analytics for.
- Navigate to the Analytics tab.
- Click the Owned Rooms tab.
Owned Rooms Metrics
The Owned Rooms tab displays the following metrics:
- Total Subscriptions: The total number of rooms players own.
- Total Revenue: The total revenue generated from room subscriptions.
- Highrise Gold Earned: The amount of Highrise Gold earned from room subscriptions.
Total Subscriptions & Total Revenue
The Total Subscriptions metric shows the total number of rooms players own, while the Total Revenue metric displays the total revenue generated from room subscriptions. These metrics help you understand how players are engaging with the room subscription feature in your game.
Highrise Gold Earned
You can filter the data displayed on the Analytics Dashboard by date. To do this, click the "Last 7 Days" dropdown and select a different date range.
The Highrise Gold Earned metric shows the amount of Highrise Gold earned from room subscriptions.
The Owned Rooms metrics provide valuable insights into how players are engaging with the room subscription feature in your game. By tracking these metrics, you can optimize your game's monetization strategy, create compelling content, and increase player engagement.
Updated 16 days ago