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    Script Types


    Module Scripts

    Module scripts contain reusable functions and variables that can be shared across multiple scripts. They serve as a library of common code snippets that can be imported and used in other scripts, enhancing code modularity and reusability.

    Note: module scripts, like client/server scripts run on both the client and server.
    This will allow use of client/server functions: ClientAwake(),ServerAwake(), etc.

    Module Script Structure

    In Highrise Studio, module scripts are written in Lua and follow a structured format. They consist of functions and variables that can be accessed by other scripts. Below is a basic example of a module script defining a function to calculate the square of a number:

    -- Events
    mySharedEvent = Event.new("SharedEvent")
    -- Variables
    npcName = "NPC1"
    -- Network Value
    gameState = IntValue.new("GameState", 0)
    -- Functions
    function square(num)
      return num * num
    function printMessage(message)

    In this script:

    • mySharedEvent: Custom event shared across scripts.
    • npcName: Variable storing the name of an NPC.
    • gameState: Network value for storing game state.
    • square: Function to calculate the square of a number.
    • printMessage: Function to print a message to the console.

    Use Cases

    Module scripts are commonly used for the following purposes:

    • Code Reusability: Defining common functions and variables that can be shared across multiple scripts.
    • Modularity: Encapsulating related code snippets into a single script for better organization.
    • Event Handling: Creating shared events that can be triggered and listened to by other scripts.
    • Network Values: Storing and synchronizing game state data across the client and server.

    By leveraging module scripts, you can streamline your game development process, reduce redundancy in your codebase, and create a more maintainable and scalable project structure.

    Importing Module Scripts

    To use functions and variables defined in a module script, you can import the module into another script just by requiring it. For example, if our module script is named MathUtils, we can import it in another script as follows:

    local MathUtils = require("MathUtils")
    function self:Awake()
      local result = MathUtils.square(5)
      MathUtils.printMessage("Hello, World!")

    Now it's important to understand that when importing a module script, the path to the script should be relative to the script importing it. For instance, if the MathUtils script is in the same directory as the importing script, you can simply use require("MathUtils"). If the MathUtils script is in a subdirectory, you can still require it using only the name of the script, like require("MathUtils").

    Do and Don't

    In this table, we summarize the best practices and common pitfalls when working with module scripts:

    Use module scripts for defining reusable functions and variables.Use module scripts for game logic or player interactions.
    Encapsulate related code snippets into module scripts for better organization.Define script-specific functions and variables in module scripts.
    Create shared events and network values in module scripts for cross-script communication.Overload module scripts with unnecessary functions or variables.
    Import module scripts into other scripts to reuse their functionality.Rely solely on module scripts for core game mechanics or AI behavior.


    Module scripts play a crucial role in enhancing code modularity, reusability, and organization in your game development projects. By defining common functions, variables, events, and network values in module scripts, you can create a more maintainable and scalable codebase that facilitates collaboration and accelerates the development process. Experiment with module scripts to streamline your workflow and optimize your game development experience.

    Updated 4 months ago

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