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    The Number type in Lua represents numerical values, including integers and floating-point numbers. Numbers are used to perform arithmetic operations, store quantities, and calculate values in Lua scripts. Understanding how to work with numbers is essential for implementing game logic, managing variables, and creating interactive experiences in Highrise Studio.

    Number Literals

    In Lua, you can define numbers using numeric literals, which are numerical values written directly in the script code. Numeric literals can be integers or floating-point numbers, depending on the presence of a decimal point. Here are examples of number literals in Lua:

    • Integer: 42
    • Floating-Point: 3.14
    local integer = 42
    local pi = 3.14

    You can use numbers to represent various quantities, such as health points, scores, positions, speeds, and more. By assigning numerical values to variables, you can store and manipulate data efficiently in your Lua scripts.

    Arithmetic Operations

    Numbers in Lua can be used in arithmetic operations to perform calculations, manipulate values, and generate results. Lua supports standard arithmetic operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more. Here are examples of arithmetic operations using numbers in Lua:

    • Addition: a + b
      local sum = 3 + 5 --> 8
    • Subtraction: a - b
      local difference = 10 - 3 --> 7
    • Multiplication: a * b
      local product = 2 * 4 --> 8
    • Division: a / b
      local quotient = 10 / 2 --> 5
    • Modulus: a % b
      local remainder = 10 % 3 --> 1
    • Exponentiation: a ^ b
      local power = 2 ^ 3 --> 8

    By combining numbers with arithmetic operators, you can create complex calculations, implement game mechanics, and simulate dynamic behaviors in your Highrise world.

    Number Conversions

    In Lua, you can convert numbers between integer and floating-point formats using type conversion functions. The tonumber function converts a value to a number, while the math.floor and math.ceil functions round numbers down and up, respectively. Here are examples of number conversions in Lua:

    • Convert to Number: tonumber("42")
      local num = tonumber("42") --> 42
    • Round Down: math.floor(3.14)
      local roundedDown = math.floor(3.14) --> 3
    • Round Up: math.ceil(3.14)
      local roundedUp = math.ceil(3.14) --> 4
    • Convert to Integer: math.floor(3.14)
      local integer = math.floor(3.14) --> 3
    • Convert to Floating-Point: tonumber("42.0")
      local float = tonumber("42.0") --> 42.0

    By converting numbers between different formats, you can adjust precision, format data, and perform calculations with the desired data type.


    Numbers are fundamental data types in Lua that play a crucial role in game development, mathematical computations, and interactive experiences. By working with numbers, you can implement game mechanics, manage variables, and create dynamic behaviors in your Highrise world.

    Updated 5 months ago

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