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    Full Worlds

    Dress Up NPC


    Script Relations

    This document outlines how the various scripts in the game interact with each other to create a cohesive gameplay experience. Understanding these relationships will help developers grasp the architecture and workflow of the game.

    High-Level Overview

    The game's scripts are modular and grouped by functionality. Here are the primary categories and their connections:

    • Core Scripts: Centralized management of game-wide logic, such as GameManager.lua and SaveManager.lua.
    • UI Scripts: Control user interface components, such as UIMain.lua and UIDressUp.lua.
    • Gameplay Mechanics: Handle specific features like contests (ContestManager.lua), quests (QuestManager.lua), and rewards (LootManager.lua).
    • Utility Scripts: Provide reusable functions (e.g., OutfitUtils.lua).

    Key Relationships

    1. GameManager.lua

    The GameManager.lua script acts as the central hub, coordinating between other systems.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • QuestManager.lua: Manages quest progression and integrates with the main game flow.
      • SaveManager.lua: Saves and loads player progress.
      • ContestManager.lua: Tracks active contests and their results.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. When the game starts, GameManager.lua initializes other managers.
      2. It communicates with SaveManager.lua to load saved data.
      3. It triggers QuestManager.lua and ContestManager.lua to update their states based on player progress.

    2. QuestManager.lua

    The QuestManager.lua script handles quests, ensuring seamless integration with NPCs and rewards.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • DialogManager.lua: Provides quest-related dialogue.
      • LootManager.lua: Distributes rewards upon quest completion.
      • UIDialog.lua: Displays quest prompts to the player.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. A player interacts with an NPC, triggering DialogManager.lua.
      2. If a quest is accepted, QuestManager.lua tracks its status.
      3. Upon completion, it calls LootManager.lua to reward the player.

    3. ContestManager.lua

    The ContestManager.lua script orchestrates the dress-up contests, including submissions, voting, and results.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • UIContest.lua: Displays the contest interface.
      • UIContestVoting.lua: Handles the voting interface.
      • LootManager.lua: Distributes rewards based on contest rankings.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. Players submit their looks through UIContest.lua.
      2. ContestManager.lua collects and organizes entries.
      3. Voting is conducted via UIContestVoting.lua, and results are processed by LootManager.lua.

    4. UIDressUp.lua

    The UIDressUp.lua script powers the customization interface, allowing players to modify their characters.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • OutfitUtils.lua: Provides utility functions for managing outfits.
      • UIDressUpCloset.lua: Manages inventory and available items.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. Players open the customization menu via UIDressUp.lua.
      2. UIDressUpCloset.lua loads available outfits.
      3. Changes are applied and saved using OutfitUtils.lua.

    5. LootManager.lua

    The LootManager.lua script distributes rewards for contests, quests, and other achievements.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • QuestManager.lua: Calls LootManager.lua to reward players after quest completion.
      • ContestManager.lua: Distributes rewards based on contest results.
      • UIReward.lua: Displays the reward notifications to players.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. A quest or contest triggers LootManager.lua.
      2. Rewards are calculated and assigned to the player.
      3. UIReward.lua displays the rewards.

    6. SaveManager.lua

    The SaveManager.lua script handles saving and loading player progress.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • GameManager.lua: Communicates with SaveManager.lua during initialization and shutdown.
      • UIDressUp.lua, QuestManager.lua, ContestManager.lua: Retrieve and update save data.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. At startup, GameManager.lua calls SaveManager.lua to load player data.
      2. Gameplay systems (e.g., quests, customization) retrieve necessary data.
      3. Progress is saved periodically or when the game exits.

    7. DialogManager.lua

    The DialogManager.lua script manages NPC dialogues and interactions.

    • Connected Scripts:

      • QuestManager.lua: Provides quest-related dialogue.
      • UIDialog.lua: Displays dialogue options to the player.
    • Workflow Example:

      1. A player interacts with an NPC, triggering DialogManager.lua.
      2. Dialogue options are displayed via UIDialog.lua.
      3. If a quest is involved, QuestManager.lua updates its state.

    Updated about 1 month ago

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