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    Changing Characters' Outfits


    Highrise Studio allows you to change the outfits of the characters in your world. This feature is useful for creating different looks or equipping characters with different items.


    Step 1: Create a New Outfit

    1. Right-click in the Project panel then Create > Highrise > Outfit > Player Outfit.
    2. Give your outfit a name (e.g. "FisherOutfit").
    3. Double click on the outfit to open it in the Outfit Editor.
    4. Select the items you want to add to the outfit from the list.
    5. CTRL + S to save the outfit.

    Step 2: Create Script to Store Outfit

    This module script is optional but recommended to easily manage your items and outfits. You can also store the outfit directly in the script that equips the outfit.

    1. Right-click in the Project panel then Create > Lua > Module.
    2. Give your script a name (e.g. "ItemsMetaData").
    3. Double click on the script to open it in the Script Editor.
    4. Add the following code to the script:
    local Outfits : {CharacterOutfit} = nil
    -- Add your items here (e.g. fishing pole)
    Items = {
      ["fishing_pole_basic"] = {
        Name = "Fishing Pole",
        Outfit = Outfits[1] or nil
        -- Other properties here
    1. Save the script by pressing CTRL + S.

    Step 3: Write a Script to Equip Outfit

    1. Right-click in the Project panel then Create > Lua > Client.
    2. Give your script a name (e.g. "EquipOutfit").
    3. Double click on the script to open it in the Script Editor.
    4. Add the following code to the script:
    -- Require the OutfitsMetaData module
    local ItemsMetaData = require("ItemsMetaData")
    -- Listen to the Start event
    function self:Start()
      -- Get the player outfit from the ItemsMetaData
      local outfit = ItemsMetaData.Items["fishing_pole_basic"]
      if not outfit then return end
      -- Double check that the outfit exists
      if not outfit.Outfit or outfit.Outfit == nil then
        print("No outfit found for fishing_pole_basic")
      -- Get the player's character
      local character = client.localPlayer.character
      if not character then return end
      -- Add the outfit to the player
      print("Outfit added to player")
      -- Demonstrate how to remove the outfit after 10 seconds
      Timer.After(10, function()
        print("Outfit removed from player")
    1. Save the script by pressing CTRL + S.

    Step 4: Run the Script

    To run the scripts you must register them in the scene.

    1. Right-click on the Hierarchy panel then CreateEmpty.
    2. Give your object a name (e.g. "EquipOutfit").
    3. Drag the EquipOutfit script to the object.
    4. Repeat the same steps for the ItemsMetaData script.

    Once you have added the scripts to the scene, you can now select the ItemsMetaData object and assign the outfit you created in the Outfit field in the inspector.

    1. Select the ItemsMetaData object in the Hierarchy panel.
    2. In the inspector panel under the Outfits field, click "+" to add a new element.
    3. Drag the outfit you created in the Project panel to the new element.

    Now you can run the scene and see the character equipped with the new outfit.


    You have successfully changed the outfit of a character in your world. This feature allows you to create different looks for your characters or equip them with different items.

    Updated 3 months ago

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